Saturday, December 12, 2009

Readers Questions Answered

I love the fact that people are interested in my journey. I have people telling me often how much they like reading my blog. It makes me feel like the readers are involved with me. So with that said I thought that as we go through this process anytime someone posts questions in their comments I would answer them.

After my last post a reader made this comment.....

Wow, seriously? That is so fascinating! Are you allowed to have sex at all? I mean, if you are married that's kind of a given but . . . I dunno, I'm so curious as to how this all works.

Do you get to hold the baby when it's born, or does it go straight to the mom?


Ok, so to answer the questions...

#1 Yes I am allowed to have sex...with my husband. In the contract it states that for two weeks before the transfer and two weeks after we are to abstain to make sure that there would be no chance of us conceiving a child of our own.

#2 After the baby is born the first person to hold it will be the IM (intended mother) secondly the IF (intended father). I will get my chance after a while. This isn't my baby so the new family will get their time together. Once the baby arrives though that won't be the end for the IP's and my family. We plan to stay very close as we all feel like we are part of the other's family now.

Hopefully I have answered your questions dear follower. And to all of you other interested people, keep sending the questions and I will answer them to the best of my ability.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Legal Jargon

Today I spoke with the lawyer to finalize the contract that must go with a surrogacy arrangement. They like to cross all the t's and dot all the i's to make sure in the end everyone is protected in this situation.
It's amazing all the things that they cover. From the obvious, like it's not my baby and my IP's get the baby after delivery. To the not so tattoos and threesomes after I become pregnant. Well there goes Friday nights!
In the end the contract is there to protect everyone involved. I'm just happy it's done now. Check another step off the list!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

And so it begins...

Yesterday I underwent the beginning of monitoring. Monitoring tells the doctors where I am in my cycle and if I've been ovulating. This helps determine if I am still a candidate for surrogacy and when the transfer could take place.
The results came back yesterday afternoon and everything looks fantastic!!! It's so exciting to feel like things are starting and our transfer date is getting closer. From what they told me we are seven weeks away from the transfer.
IM and I shared the results last night over an almost two hour conversation. It feels like I'm talking with an old friend....never running out of things to talk about. She truly is a wonderful woman.