Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Reader Questions

Since the transfer I've had a couple questions asked about what is going to happen next. The next steps for my IP's are very important so here are the questions and their answers.

What's involved in the preparation of the next embryos? Does your IM have to take some meds to produce more follicles?

Always great questions from my friend Dawn. In preparation for the next transfer both the IM and I will be taking injections to get our cycles in sync. She will also be taking medication to produce as many follicles as possible. Ideally the number of eggs harvested will be around 8. Once the eggs are retrieved they will fertilize them with IF's sperm. The doctor and IP's will decide how long the fertilized eggs will grow before the transfer. In most cases if the eggs are two days old they will transfer 3 eggs. 3 day old eggs, two will be transferred. Any additional embryos will be frozen for the future.

Did you get the money refunded so you can go to a new doctor for the next transfer?

The doctor did refund my IP's the cost of the transfer once he told him of the mistake. Previously my IP's had gone to another doctor and clinic in their area. They decided to go back to him and next week IM has an appt to set up the next transfer. Once she sees him we'll get an idea of when to expect the next transfer. Hopefully it won't be too long. All of our files were sent from the previous doctor and since we'll be using the medication to sync our cycles hopefully I won't have to go through the monitoring process again.

Thank you to my readers for your great questions. Please feel free to ask anything else. I always answer to the best of my ability.

1 comment:

  1. The medical side of all of this just facinates me! It's great that they are going to sync your cycles that way you are ready to rock when the embryo's are!!

    I hope you know how awesome I think you are! :)
