My IM emailed me today and has asked for me to share this with our readers....their side of things. The shock has started to wear off and now they can form full sentences again to express all the emotions they have been feeling the past week. It's a great feeling to see the excitement that this has brought to them. I love being a part of it. So, without further ado here it is.....
Well it's been a week and it has started to feel real!!! The shock is beginning to sink in!!! And really I think the IF and I have really been walking around in a cloud! We dreamed of this day but never really imagined it ever happening! We were determined to never give up but we had many days that we just thought it wasn't meant to be! So on June 4th when I looked at my email and saw the pregnancy test from Lisa and it clearly looked like two red lines I just couldn't register what it really meant! We weren't suppose to get the results for another 5-6 days. I knew Lisa was going to do a home pregnancy test but i had to convince myself that I was going to have to wait! As I looked at the email I knew what it meant but trying to convince IF was a different story. IF was laying in bed reading his emails and I said I just got an email from Lisa response .... So I said I JUST GOT AN EMAIL FROM LISA!!!!! That got his attention!! He looked a bit scared as to what I had to say....... I showed him the pregnancy's positive!!!! He said shut the f...k Up!!!..,we were both smiling bigger than we ever have!!! We couldn't believe it was happening!!! We called Lisa right away and she's right we had so many questions... Well IF really had more than me! lol IF didn't believe what he was seeing!....he didn't think a home pregnancy test was accurate!.. deep down I knew it was right!...he wanted Lisa to take another one just to make sure....and then he still wasn't convinced he wanted to wait for the blood test...that still didn't convince him..he wanted to wait for the second blood test ...
OK now does he believes it...WELL....he does but I think he needs the 3 month mark to go by to really believe it!!!..especially since everyone he's told has said well you should really wait for 3 months anything can happen!!..I mean really people can we not be positive about it!!!!!
So if we didn't seem excited on the outside inside we are bursting at the seams..everything seems sunnier..we can't wipe the smiles off our face's!..We immediately called our families and heard tears of joy!...everyone is so excited for us and were so thankful for their prayers and supporting us.
Our biggest thanks though are for Lisa!!!! How can we ever thank her do you thank someone who has given up the last 2 years of her life to help make this happen for us and her husband Mike!..there's not too many men that would want there wife to carry another Mans baby..Thank you we love you too!!!!.....Lisa you are a very special person and you will be forever in our hearts...We will continue out friendship until the day we die!..xoxo...
When can we go to Disney?.....LOL....
PS..I'm already driving the IF crazy...I want to start decorating the babies room!...but I guess I should wait to see if it's a boy or girl?...or if there's more than one!!!! LOL