So, it's been 24 hours since I broke the news to my IP's. I think the shock is still there but the truth of it all is beginning to sink in.
I received a phone call at 8:15am and a very stunned sounding IM was on the other end. I answered the call with a big "Good Morning!" and received a "Hi" back. "You're going to have a baby!" was my next delighted statement. "Ya" was the less then resounding response. So of course my first thought was she didn't see the picture, but of course she had. This was the sound of a woman who has been wishing for a baby for almost eight years and couldn't believe that wishes come true. Our conversation consisted of explanations about home pregnancy tests, giddy laughter and me saying "yes you really are pregnant!" Even IF got on the phone for an explanation of hCG (human chorionic gonadotrpin) and how they turn a HPT positive. I had to giggle. They were so cute and I was so happy for them. This is the happiest moment we've had to date on this journey.
I'd love to hear my IP's recount of that phone call.
One of the things they were worried about was the one pink line being lighter than the other. Now I know and the HPT instructions back me up....any shade of pink on the second line means baby in the oven. But when you're in shock that you are about to have a baby you second guess these facts. Today my IP's asked me to do a second test just to make them feel more secure. With pleasure I took a second test and that line popped up nice and bright pink. I took another picture of it and sent it off to IM. It worked....they are much more relaxed now. I even received an email from IF. It stated "I need to keep my teeth clean now with this permanent smile!!"
How awesome is that!?!
Excellent news, congrats to all involved
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to all!!!!
ReplyDeleteAgreed, pregnant is pregnant!