Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A Year Later.....

Well I just checked back to see when I started my blog. The date of my first entry was Nov 22, 2009. If you had asked me then where I thought we'd be in this process 365 days from that date, it wouldn't be here. I truly thought the first transfer would take. I didn't factor in human error. Our last transfer was scheduled for Nov 3 and a week before the doctor called me to cancel the procedure. Things just weren't the way he wanted them to be before the transfer. They don't want to take any risks this time around.

So where are we now? Waiting again! Things are on hold once again. This time the rough estimate is that the transfer will happen Feb/March of 2011. I truly hope so. I don't know how my IP's do this over and over again. They just see all of this as another step on the journey to the baby that they so desperately waiting to have. I am in awe of how well they handle this. They really are amazing people. The doctor told IM that I took the cancellation news worse than she did. I just couldn't believe that some else was happening....again.

So, we wait. I will post things as they begin to happen again. As always if there are questions from readers I will re post and answer them. Thank you to everyone who has been supportive as we go through all these trials and tribulations on the way to baby.

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