Monday, September 6, 2010

Time for an Update

It's been a while since I have updated my blog. I haven't dropped off the face of the earth nor have we ended the journey. In fact we are still going ahead with all plans for another transfer. As of now we are all doing our bloodwork again to start from the beginning. I'm hoping the next time I post I'll have a date for a transfer or at least more transfer information.

But since I don't have that let me update you on some new things that have been going on. Firstly this summer has brought us quite a few visits with my IP's. We've met up for nice afternoons in cottage county, dinner in the big city and catching rays in the harbour. The friendship that I have continued to develope with my IM will be one that I will always treasure.

In a previous post I mentioned that with the time we had between transfers that I would focus on getting myself in shape and being in the best possible health for this pregnancy. Well, that's exactly what I've been doing. To date I've lost 25 pounds. I have taken up running and will be running in the 5K Run For The Cure on October 3. During this process I've had many chances to think about how lucky I am to be a mom and to be there for my children. In training for this run I've thought about all the Moms that Cancer has taken away from their children. I am running so that we can find a cure and save more moms so they can watch their children grow.

If you would like to help me reach my fundraising goal please see the link below.

So that is what's new here. I promise to keep more up to date with the goings on of the surrogacy. Fingers crossed we will transfer soon!

1 comment:

  1. What a great roll model you are for your kids Lisa! You should be very proud of yourself! Hard work and determination really pay off! It's been a bit of a bumpy road for the surrogacy but your gift is priceless!! I can't wait for your IP's to hold their child/ren in their arms!!
