Monday, September 27, 2010

A Protocol In Place!

Today I received an email from the clinic in Toronto. It detailed the things that I will be doing over the next month in preparation for the transfer. Take a look.....

We now have a protocol for you. You started your birth control pill yesterday. You are to take 14 days only of birth control pills. Last birth control pill October 9th.
On day 2 of a full flow period you will go to the OFC for bloodwork and U/S. I have already asked my secretary to send you a fed-ex package with Medication of Estrace. Antibiotics, etc in it. You should receive it by the end of the week.
After we receive the results from the OFC you will be given instructions on starting your Estrace. You need to be on the Estrace for 10 days and then you will return to the OFC for another U/S and bloodwork.
You will then be ready for your embryo transfer which is tentatively set for November 1st.
Once the IM gets her trigger shot you will be notified to take antibiotics and when to start your progesterone.

Holy Smokes!!!! How quickly we've gone from waiting to being a month away from the transfer. I'm so happy for my intended parents. They deserve this so much and shouldn't have to wait a minute longer.


  1. Speechless...can you believe it? LOL I'm just so happy for you and your IP's. This is it...I can feel it!!!

  2. I'm scared and excited and happy all in one for all of you. Let's make a baby!!!
