Thursday, February 4, 2010

A Week Later..Where are We Now?

So it was a couple days of regrouping after last weeks news. Once in was all absorbed my IP's decided to focus on the future and the next step. There is no trust left in this Doctor so they have decided to switch clinics and go to a Dr. they have used in the past. My files have been transferred from the clinic in Toronto and the doctor here in Ottawa that I went to for monitoring.

Now we need to go through the process of creating more embryos for the next transfer. I don't know what the time frame for all of this is. I know that IM would like it to be yesterday but realistically is looks like March or April at the earliest for the next transfer.

I can't really express how I feel for my IP's. If I knew it was only a matter of my body not accepting the embryos then I could deal with it that way....but this... I know that they are moving on past it and I will too but I feel horrible for them. I wish I hadn't made them wait so many months to do the transfer in the first place.


  1. I am glad they have chosen a new doctor. You all are in my prayers.

  2. Are you positive that the 1st transfer was unsuccesful? I might have misunderstood and thought there was a chance that the babies still could have been implanted correctly. Regardless, you all are in my thoughts and prayers. I can only imagine how trying this has been on the intended parents and you as well. I pray for your patience and peace of mind in this process as well.
