Thursday, January 28, 2010

Heartbreaking News Today.

I got a heartbreaking phone call this morning....IM was on the other end.....the Doctor told them that he made a mistake during transfer and it's not quite clear where the embryos went. He said he made a mistake...a mistake he's never made before but the embryos may or may not be in me. I may or may not have a chance of being pregnant. He was so sorry for what had happened that he offered to refund my IP's the costs of the transfer....ya, so nice of him!

IM is angry and devastated and confused and, and, and! Her main focus is on the next step....where do we go from here. She's not hanging onto the hope that next week we'll get a positive pregnancy test result...that's just too hard to hope for. The hope comes in the form that this will happen...hopefully in a couple of months.

I am dedicated to my IP's no matter what we need to do. I will be there for them until that baby is in their arms. It killed me not to be with my IM today as she told me the news. I wish you could hug through the phone.


  1. OMG Lisa, how does this happen??? This is terrible news... I hope that there is a miracle on it's way... (((HUGS)))

  2. That is SO devistating. I will pray for a miracle. You're poor IM...she's been through so much. I will pray for her strength too. I got a sinking feeling when you said that there was technical difficulties yesterday but I was hoping that it all worked out. :( I'll keep praying, God is good.

  3. Oh my goodness! That is unbelievable! I pray that those litte guys got in the right spot... God does work in mysterious ways!
    Question, what happens next if this didn't take?

  4. Oh Lisa, I too had a knot in my stomach when you wrote about the catheter issues, I am going to try and hold out hope for you and your IP's ...

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