Sunday, January 17, 2010

Reader Questions

After my last post a received a comment/question from my friend Dawn. As always I wanted to share the questions and answers with all of my readers.

I love the way you are explaining it to C man! That is something he can definitely relate to. I have a couple questions of my own. The first is that I was wondering if the embryo's are thawed first and monitored at all to see if they are still viable or is it a 'bake from frozen' process. My second question is about when the baby (s?) are here. Does you IM have any desires to breastfeed and/or will you be doing any pumping after the birth? Not that formula isn't a great option but I've read that a woman can start producing milk and was just curious if that was something she was interested in doing. I hope that my question isn't too personal...I was just curious! :)

The embryos will not be frozen when the transfer is done. They will be thawed and monitored to make sure that they survived the thawing process. The Doctor will transfer the ones that are viable. So if all three are viable, all three will be transferred!

I have offered to pump colostrum after the birth for the baby(s). After that IM will be trying to breastfeed using medication that will induce lactation. She is very excited to try this but if it's not successful formula will be used. Personally I think it's wonderful that there is a way she can experience breastfeeding with her baby.

Thank you Dawn for asking the questions.

1 comment:

  1. That's great Lisa that she wants to try to breastfeed! I hope it works out for her! Thanks for answering my questions!
