Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Transfer Day

Well the day has finally arrived. The transfer took place this morning. When we arrived at the clinic the doctor went over the procedure with me and IM. Although we were planning to transfer all three of the frozen embryos only two made in through the thawing process. One was in perfect condition and the other was in good condition. The doctor said both would be transferred.

We went into the procedure room where I was introduced to every girls best friend...the stirrups. I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before but an embryo transfer is done on a full bladder...not the most comfortable thing to experience.

As we started I was hooked up to the ultrasound machine so the doctor could make sure the embryos would go exactly where he wanted them. The procedure is done by inserting a catheter into the uterus. Once it's in place a smaller catheter containing the embryos is inserted into the first. When the catheter reaches the spot in the uterus that the doctor wants the embryos placed, they are deposited....that's it!

But wait....we had some technical difficulty. The second catheter hit into something when it was insterted...what do I have in there? Anyways, it bent the catheter and the doctor took it out and asked the tech to prepare another one with the embryos. The tech replied "the embryos are gone" Gone? Where? A new catheter was placed in and checked to see how deep the first one went in the uterus. The doctor assured us that they were placed exactly where he wanted and not to worry....ok, that's what we'll do...haha!

After, we headed out for some lunch along the lakefront of the Toronto Harbour. IF met up with us and we enjoyed some good food and good conversation. My flight was at 3:30 and I was home in time for dinner and bathtime with my kidlets. I should mention here that last night was the first night away from my kids since my girls were born over a year ago. Thank you to my husband for taking them all so I could go get pregnant in another city...without him!

So now the waiting game begins. I have a requisition for bloodwork to be taken in 10 days. I may get impatient (like usual) and take a HPT but IM doesn't want to know about it unless it comes back positive. I completely understand that. I hope she gets some sleep this week.

To all my readers...thank you for all your positive thoughts and prayers as the procedure occured today. Please continue to pray and send out sticky vibes our way.


  1. Ugh, technical difficulties!! Great job though Lisa and sending you lots of prayers and sticky vibes. I have a feeling it is going to be a LONG 10 days. Think POSITIVE!!

  2. Oy! Such a trying process for all three of you. I hope that everything goes smoothly.

    A bent catheter? Really? Such a strong and tough ... ahem ... you've got there.

    I'll continue to send along lots of positivity your way.

  3. Lisa, Once again you are amazing for doing this and blogging this! I love this! My fingers are crossed for you and those well deserving parents!! I can't wait to hear!!

  4. Keep up the good work sis....great blog.

  5. This is truly heartbreaking for IM- it has been such a long road - I have been holding my breath for years and was so upset to hear about the doc's incompetence!! I hope you will try again if this doesn't work- maybe a doc closer to home will work better for you as well. I hope by some miracle it worked - et me know when I can breathe out!!
