Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Another Reader Question

This morning I received this question from a reader/friend of mine....great question by the way!

Are you concerned at all that you will get emotionally attached to this baby and not be able to just get up and leave in the hospital? I know you said you'll always be a part of the baby's life, but are you afraid of having that motherly attachment to him/her as if they were your own?

Although this baby will kick me, move around in me and cause me heartburn just like my own children did, this is not my baby. I have no dreams of bringing it home to place it in an awaiting crib. I will not be designing a nursery or picking out clothes. I will be carrying this baby and anticipating the moment that it is placed in it's mothers arms. I will be okay when it's time to leave the hospital without a baby because I know that he/she will be going to the home that they belong to. I will never think of it as my own because I know that this is not the case.
I have told my IP's to record themselves reading baby books so that I can play it against my belly. That way their baby will start to recognize their voices.
I will love this baby as a part of our family but not as my child. It's a different love.

Thank you reader for your question. Keep them coming!


  1. Recording their voices is such a wonderful idea. You are an amazing person and giving this couple the most wonderful gift ever.

  2. I am so very excited to be following your journey for this family. Unlike you, I probably would have attachment issues afterwards. I have always thought it would be "fun" to do this for someone.
    I think the recording idea is great!!
